After a lot of crunch, I finished Dash's model and at least one pass at the materials for an Iray render.
Iray Render |
Reference, "Dash" |
ZBrush Sculpt |
Wireframe |
Materials and UVs |
Due to time constraints and differences in software, I am still tweaking Dash's appearance in UE4. More than previous projects, I've learned how tricky Metal and Roughness materials can be. I will likely need to export some extra masks from Substance painter to be able to freely tweak the gold and grey parts of the armor separately.
I also added a quick cloth solver to his cape and sash, but it appears he will need a rig (with better collisions) to stop the cloth from clipping through his body. These cloth bits are also stopping mid air as though hitting an invisible floor for some reason.
UE4 |
I will need to continue to tweak Dash for Industry Review. Ideally I can make his rig, pose, and some emitters for the smoke and lightning, but that is a tall order alongside other small tweaks I wish to make.